“Being Robin,” a documentary about a man who claims to have been visited by the spirit of Robin Williams, premieres Nov. 5 on major streamers and in a limited theatrical run.
According to the official logline, the film follows director Roger Kabler, a comedian and actor who has “long been inspired by Williams. After his passing, Kabler—who has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder—experienced what he describes as feeling ‘infused’ by Williams’ spirit. This led him to create a stage show in tribute to the late comedian, which toured successfully across America for over two years.”
“This film is not just a tribute to Robin Williams but also a reflection on mental health and the profound impact Robin had on those who loved him,” said Kabler. “My story is raw and filled with a deep love for Robin, and the film offers a unique perspective on what Robin might have done if given a second chance to return to the stage. This is my love letter to Robin Williams.”