“Being Robin,” a documentary about a man who claims to have been visited by the spirit of Robin Williams, premieres Nov. 5 on major streamers and in a limited theatrical run. According to the official logline, the film follows director Roger Kabler, a comedian and actor who has “long been inspired by Williams. After his […]
Being Robin wins Best Comedy Film at Manchester International Film Festival!
Orlando Fringe 2023 review: ‘The Ultimate Robin Williams Tribute Experience’ If you’re old enough to remember the cocaine-fueled insanity of Robin Williams’ early stand-up, this is for you by Seth Kubersky I had to do a double-take when Roger Kabler first bounded on stage, since his physical resemblance to the late comedy legend Robin Williams […]
PATRON’S PICK ANNOUNCEMENT – GOLD VENUE Congratulations to The Ultimate Robin Williams Tribute Experience (a live show by Roger Kabler) by Legends Of Comedy LLC on earning Patron’s Pick for Gold Venue at the Orlando Fringe Festival!
Fasten your seat belts, folks, as we embark on a voyage brimming with uproarious laughter, poignant nostalgia, and candid, intimate moments of vulnerability. “The Robin Williams Tribute Experience” – a Legends of Comedy Production – is preparing to unfurl its wings and traverse the theater skies across the length and breadth of North America. It […]
Meticulously constructing each laugh, each frown, and each expressive burst, Roger Kabler’s impersonation skills delve beyond the facade, animating the very essence of the characters he embodies. When Kabler channels the late, great Robin Williams, he doesn’t merely mimic; he resurrects Williams’ whirlwind energy, comedic genius, and emotional range in a performance that transcends mere […]
Being Robin, a movie described as “a love letter to Robin Williams” by filmmaker/performer Roger Kabler, was shown at The Cabot in Beverly on Saturday. “Shortly after Robin’s passing, I was overcome by the feeling that I was possessed by his spirit. It was a remarkable experience that I still can’t explain. I made this movie as a sort of […]
Roger Kabler, a Robin Williams impressionist, joined to discuss his role in the film “Being Robin,” screening at The Cabot in Beverly this weekend. Watch the full show: BPR Full Show: Feb. 17, 2023 Today on Boston Public Radio: We opened the lines to get listener reactions to a Georgia grand jury report unanimously finding […]
Framingham native Roger Kabler will host the 78-minute film about the connection he feels he shares with the late Robin Williams. “There are times in the morning when I really feel like he is in possession of me. I burst into Robin sometimes without even knowing it. It’s not as much an impression as much […]
Experience the Excitement of NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza with Roger Kabler’s Being Robin Attention all pop culture enthusiasts! Get ready for the ultimate Robin Williams Experience at the NorthEast ComicCon & Collectibles Extravaganza. Taking place from March 10th-12th, 2023 at the Boxboro Regency Hotel & Convention Center in Boxborough, Massachusetts, this event is a […]